Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I have decided to dedicate a blog for my books, telly, and also movies reviews. Sometimes people ask why do people read books when you have movies for a certain story. Personally for me, it's much more elaborate in a book, it takes my imagination far from where I am now, and I am able to experience the emotions and thoughts of certain characters. I can say that it's like living in other people lives. Of course, that's the directors/producers job to get all the emotions and characters alive when they want to turn a novel into a movie.

I don't really have any preferences for my novels selection, just not a fan of anne-rice-vampire-themes and also sci-fi-futuristic themes. Oh, I guess I do have preferences after all. Since books are expensive (for my standard) in Msia, RM35-RM50 for a book, I have recently made a visit to local libraries, and I get to loan 4 books in 3 weeks. I consider this as my best RM10 investment this 2008.

Currently I am reading William Sutcliffe Bad Influence. I will post a review on the book when I'm done. However here is a quote taken from the book. Note that the narrator is a 10 years old boy.

"You wouldn't think it's made much difference that it's a Sunday when it's the holiday anyway, it does. Everyone's about. The house always feels too full on a Sunday, but also too empty. If you want the telly, or the kitchen table, or the sunny bit of lawn, chances are someone will have got there first. But even though all the good bits of the house are taken, I sometimes feel as though my family are just wondering about, lost, without any real idea of what to do with themselves until the day's over and everything can return to normal on Monday. It's as if Sunday always takes them by surprise, as if each week they don't quite believe it's going to happen, then it does and they're not prepared and all they can do is stagger around waiting for it to be over."

Bad Influence: William Sutcliffe

**It triggered me how much this is true, I sometimes even though rooting for weekends (I think it's more like getting away from work, rather than looking forward for weekend) found myself just wondering around and just standing by while the time flies by. I guess from now on I have to make conscious decisions for my time. So, if I am staying home on a Sunday, I want it to be a conscious decision, not because I didn't know what else to do.

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